Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
As a recipient of federal funding from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) the City of Turlock is required to adopt and implement a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program to ensure a level playing field for DBE firms to compete for projects with federal assistance. Every three years the City proposes the adoption of a new program goal, as well as a new program, with both submitted to FTA for approval.
FFY 2024-2026 DBE GoalThe proposed DBE Program Goal for the City of Turlock related to it's transit services in FFY 2024-26 is 0.00%.
The proposed Program goal represents anticipated, sub-contractable portions of work associated with planned projects and is not intended to restrict the City's ability to complete additional projects based on changing needs and conditions. The City will still establish a project-specific DBE goal for each federally funded project that is advertised or awarded within this time frame and those project goals may be different than the Program goal. Public comments on the proposed Program can be made in writing through a variety of means and should be submitted no later than July 15, 2023:
FFY 2021-2023 DBE Goal, ProgramThe adopted DBE Program Goal for the City of Turlock related to it's transit services in FFY 2021-23 is 3.60%.
The goal contained in this Program represents planned projects and is not intended to restrict the City's ability to complete additional projects based on changing needs and conditions. The City will still establish a project-specific DBE goal for federally funded projects, as appropriate.