Discount Fare Card
We offer discounted fares/passes on fixed route transit buses (not Dial-a-Ride) for senior citizens (65+), individuals with qualifying disabilities, Medicare recipients (not Medi-Cal), honorably discharged veterans of the U.S. military, and students (grades K-12). Passengers are required to show proper identification (ID) proving their eligibility for discount fares prior to payment of the fare.
We accept the following forms of identification for a fare discount when boarding a fixed route bus:
- Turlock Transit Discount Fare Card
- MOVE Stanislaus photo ID (for eligible ADA paratransit passengers... see below)
- Medicare card and valid, government-issued photo ID
If you do not need to use ADA paratransit (Dial-a-Ride) services and only want a discount on fixed route trips, download the Discount Fare Card application below.

Turlock Transit Discount Fare Card Application 3-3-2020 |
If you do need to use ADA paratransit (Dial-a-Ride) services because you are unable to independently use the fixed route bus system due to a disability, be advised that the City is no longer issuing Disabled Eligibility Cards. Instead, ADA eligibility services for Turlock Transit, StaRT, MAX, and CAT are provided solely through the Stanislaus Eligibility Center (SEC), operated by MOVE. To make an appointment for a free ADA eligibility assessment, call the SEC at (209) 672-1143. For more information, visit Free roundtrip, door-to-door transportation to/from your assessment will be provided. If found eligible, your SEC card will also qualify you for discount fares on fixed route transit service.