Effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020, most City facilities, including Turlock City Hall, will be closed to the public. These closures will remain in place through at least March 31, 2020. The City will evaluate the need to continue closures on a rolling 30-day basis. Updates and changes will be posted at City offices and buildings and on a new webpage dedicated solely to the COVID-19 response: http://www.turlock.ca.us/covid19. There are no changes planned for Turlock Transit routes, schedules, or services. The Roger K. Fall Transit Center lobby, restrooms, and ticket window will remain open to the public during normal business hours: Mon.-Fri. (7am-6pm) and Sat. (9am-6pm). We recognize the key role public transit plays in providing many of our residents with access to essential goods (i.e. grocery store) and services (i.e. medical) during this difficult time. We have taken steps in recent weeks to increase proactive communication and education of the public, as well as increased cleaning and sanitizing efforts on buses and in the Transit Center. Commonly touched areas are being disinfected several times each day. We will continue to work closely with regional health and transportation officials and promptly implement any changes necessary to safeguard our employees, passengers, and members of the public. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. To read the recent media advisory from the City of Turlock in its entirety, please keep reading. For Immediate Release
City to Declare Local Emergency Declaration Office and Counter Service Changes During Local Emergency On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the Turlock Interim City Manager will proclaim a local emergency and adopted guidelines issued by the California Department of Public Health to reduce spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The Turlock City Council will ratify the proclamation at their regular meeting on March 24, 2020. This action is to both keep everyone safe as well as do our part to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Stanislaus County now has three confirmed cases, none yet in Turlock. As a result, City offices and locations will close to the public beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020. These closures are at least through Tuesday, March 31, 2020. The City will evaluate the need to continue closures on a 30-day rolling basis. Updates and changes will be posted at City offices and buildings and on the City of Turlock website: http://www.turlock.ca.us/covid19. City staff will be working during this time and will be available to address or direct public needs. Please call, email, or visit our website to use online services, or send a request through the “Ask” feature on the city’s website. “In his latest news conference, Governor Newsom is encouraging everyone to self-quarantine especially vulnerable populations or those who may believe they are at risk. He has encouraged sheltering in place, when possible, and limiting the occupancy of retail establishments such as bars, wineries and other businesses to support social distancing in combating the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The Governor has been clear to not to issue an edict,” stated Mayor Amy Bublak. “ We are balancing the social distancing efforts and the ability to continue serving the community. We encourage the people of Turlock to use common sense, remain calm and use the information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and continue to support our local businesses and the economic vitality of Turlock.” Utility Billing – Payments are accepted by telephone (209) 668-5570 or online by credit card or using your checking account through the telephone payment system. For more information or to make payment arrangements, visit https://ci.turlock.ca.us/watersewergarbageservice/billspayments/. Business Licensing – Applications and forms are available online at https://ci.turlock.ca.us/doingbusinessinturlock/businesslicenses or call (209) 668-5570. Development and Permit Center – Building, planning and inspection services may be accomplished on-line, or arrangements made by telephone or email – [email protected], by calling (209) 668-5560. Municipal Services/ Public Works – Request or reports for Public Works and the Municipal Utilities Department, call (209) 668-5590 or [email protected] Police Department – For non-emergencies, please call 668-1200 ; Animal Services (209) 656-3140 or by email at [email protected]; and Records (209) 668-5550 Extension 6600. Police Department Operations at 244 North Broadway will remain open for emergencies. Fire Department and Neighborhood Services – Please use the online form that can be found at https://ci.turlock.ca.us/neighborhoodissues/citizenreportform/or by calling (209) 668-5580. Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities – With the closure of Turlock schools, the City will be extending the suspension of all recreation programs through the month of April with the exception of ASES and PLAY (those programs will go back into effect when school resumes). Also, in conjunction with the school closure, the Career Tech Program has been suspended. All park rentals, garage sale permits, special events and Adopt-A-Park activities will also be canceled through the end of April. Parks will remain open, however, due to a shortage of available cleaning products and concerns about the potential spread of COVID-19, we will be closing all playgrounds effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020. Staff have been directed to increase efforts for cleaning and disinfecting common areas at all City buildings and park restrooms. Turlock Transit and Transit Center – Will remain open in normal operations schedule. Other public office locations include: City Hall and offices located at 156 South Broadway, such as Parks and Recreation, Human Resources, Housing, and Economic Development. For a list of telephone numbers and emails, please visit www.turlock.ca.us/Updates The safety of our community is our primary concern, and we appreciate your patience during these extraordinary times. In addition, the City recommends the community access the following websites for current information regarding the virus in our region. www.stancounty.com/coronavirus https://www.csustan.edu/president/desk-president/campus-health-safety/march-11-2020-covid-19-message-campus http://www.turlock.k12.ca.us/healthalert https://www.emanuelmedicalcenter.org/ Comments are closed.